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Negra Como Soy: Discussing Code Switching Linguistics
CODE SWITCHING. Does your brain get tired when switching languages? In this episode, we explore cultural differences in manner of speech and how it affects individuals. With laughter and candor, Do...
Negra Como Soy: JBalvin African Grammy Discussion
This week, Jhendi joins Doni and Dr. Rhonda to talk about the controversy of JBalvin at the African Entertainment Awards USA in 2021. Join us to learn about the details of the nomination, JBalvin's...
Negra Como Soy: No Longer Latina Part 2: Not Parent Expected
Dr. Paulette Bethel joins us again on the revelation of a Not Parent Expected (NPE) from a routine ancestry DNA test and the resulting trauma model she developed. From the Third Culture Kid (TCK) "...
Negra Como Soy: Encanto - Disney's Best
We had so much fun discussing the Disney movie Encanto with Glitter Explorer Romita Bulchandani, a nine-year Disney veteran. Doni, Rhonda and Romita bring the energy as they discuss culture, family...
Negra Como Soy: No Longer Latina Part 1
Hola y Bienvenidos! In this week’s episode of Negra Como Soy on Culturs Global Network, Doni and Dr. Rhonda talk with Paulette Martinez Bethel who is proud of her multicultural heritage – ALL of it.
Negra Como Soy: Doni and Rhonda, Our Stories
Hola y Bienvenidos! In this week’s episode of Negra Como Soy, Doni and Dr. Rhonda introduce themselves and their stories.